Opera Workshop 7 Jan

Kentish Opera are keen to give people who are new to opera the chance to come along and have a go, and so have decided to run a ‘Musical Theatre to Opera’ workshop on Sunday 7th January 2024 – it will be a great way to spend one of those early January afternoons when we all need something to help us get through the post-Christmas lull…

So if you’re a Musical Theatre enthusiast but would like to give opera a try, the KO  taster workshop will be held at at The Stag, Sevenoaks, Plaza Suite from 13:00-17:00. You will have the opportunity to learn an opera chorus and then stage and choreograph it.

More information and booking here!

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Richard is at it again..........

Opera Workshop 7 Jan


Opera Workshop 7 Jan

Opera Workshop 7 Jan

Musical Theatre enthusiast? Like to give opera a try?

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